I'm an algorithm engineer at Shanghai Stratosphere. I work on deep learning and computer vision algorithm. I got my master degree on Computer Science at UCSD. I got my BS degree on Electrical and Computer Engineering at SJTU.


I worked for Shanghai Stratosphere. My works focus on computer vision algorithm for different industry and application.


I got my MS egree on Computer Science at UCSD. I have a large skill sets:


I have worked on many different kinds of interesting projects. Some examples:

Visualize Model Structure

I think it's a lot easier to understand deep learning model structures if they are visualized. So I drew these model graphs for widely-used deep learning models ^_^

My Pokedex

I developed a web application called My Pokedex with Ruby on Rails. In this app, you can create your own pokemon builds and share with others. You can also view detailed data about pokemons, moves and abilities. I deployed it on Heroku.

Contact Me

Email: sw_song@hotmail.com

Phone: 13818003691