Visualize Model Structure

06/2021 -

I think it's a lot easier to understand deep learning model structures if they are visualized. So I drew these model graphs for widely-used deep learning models ^_^

Deep Learning Visualization

Exercise Analysis System

05/2021 - 08/2021

I developed an algorithm for analyzing exercise like pushups and pullups. The algorithm is based on human pose detection. I deployed the algorithm on AmLogic A311D.

Pose Detection Embedded GUI

Data Format Converter

08/2021 -

During object detection model training, datasets are always saved in VOC/COCO/YOLO data format. Sometimes, we need to transform from one format to another. So I wrote a data format converter to convert dataset format.

Data Processing Python

Cartoon Character Recognition

06/2020 - 08/2020

I developed an algorithm to extract cartoon characters in videos. First, all cartoon characters images are detected throughout the video. Then with feature extraction and then similarity comparison and clustering, we get the summary of the appearance of cartoon characters in the video.

Computer Vision


Safety Airbag Filling-time Detection System

05/2020 - 08/2020

I developed a computer vision algorithm for detecting the filling-time of safety airbag. The algorithm is based on semantic segmentation and also line detection.

Computer Vision Semantic Segmentation

Person REID

02/2020 - 04/2020

I developed an algorithm for tracking requested person(given an image of the person) in videos. The task is also known as Person Re-Identification(REID). The person's appearance and clothing features are also recognized. Further more, it's a multi-camera situation. So with the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the cameras, we can find the trace of the person on a 2D map.

Computer Vision


Bus Behavior Monitoring System

02/2020 - 02/2021

I developed an algorithm to monitor and analyze buses behavior. When a bus break the traffic rule, the car plate number will be detected and a warning info will be uploaded to the server. The project includes several computer vision tasks, including bus detection and tracking, car plate number recognition, lane detection, etc. The algorithm is delpoyed to Rockchip rk3399pro.

Computer Vision NCNN Embedded


My Pokedex

06/2017 - 07/2017

I developed a web application called My Pokedex with Ruby on Rails. In this app, you can create your own pokemon builds and share with others. You can also view detailed data about pokemons, moves and abilities. I deployed it on Heroku.

Ruby on Rails Heroku Web Application

Link and Sign Prediction in Signed Social Networks

04/2017 - 06/2017

This is the course project for Graph Mining. In this project,

  • we did link prediction and sign prediction in signed social networks.
  • We tried a lot of different features including social imbalance, node similarity, etc.
  • We implemented it in Python and evaluated on Slashdot Zoo dataset.

Python Machine Learning

Image-to-Image Transformation with Generative Adversarial Networks

02/2017 - 03/2017

This is the course project for Neural Networks. In this project,

  • we tried to replicate, study and improve on a paper.
  • We imlemented the conditional Generative Adversarial Networks to do image-to-image transformations in python with Keras.
  • We also tried to improved the stochasticity of the original model in Lua with Torch.

Python Keras Lua Torch Machine Learning AWS

Rating Prediction with Latent Semantic Analysis

02/2017 - 03/2017

This is the course project for Web Mining & Recommender Systems. In this project, I used Latent Semantic Analysis and linear regression to perform rating prediction on the Yelp dataset.

Python Machine Learning

Demonstration and Testbench for Electronic Controlled Clutch

05/2016 - 08/2016

This is a Capstone project from UAES company. In this project, we worked on real clutch systems to design and build an electronic controlled clutch system. I'm responsible for the controlling algorithm and also the GUI to show the test result. The controlling algorithm is written in Arduino and the GUI is written with Matlab.

Arduino Embedded Matlab GUI

Graphic Interface & Control Panel for Screen

02/2016 - 03/2016

This project is a industry work for Shanghai SECCO Petrochemical Company. The interface is used to print out information on a large screen. I wrote the graphic interface and also the control panel for it. The language I used is C++ with Qt.

C/C++ Qt GUI

Heart Rate Meter

03/2015 - 09/2015

This is the course project for Microprocessor Based System. In this project, we used a PIC32 board to design and build a heart rate meter which include including Interrupt (Timer, Change Notice), Serial Communication (UART) and ADC Module. We also implemented a GUI in Matlab.

C/C++ Embedded Matlab GUI

Research and Implementation on Face Image Detection Algorithm

03/2015 - 09/2015

This is an undergraduate research project in SJTU. We studied and implemented several algorithms on face detection. The language and libraries used are C++ with OpenCV and Matlab. We made the following progress:

  • Implement skin color segmentation using YCrCb color space.
  • Implement Adaboost algorithm with Haar-like feature.
  • Design and implement a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to detect face.

C/C++ OpenCV Matlab CNN Machine Learning

Laser Keyboard

12/2014 - 1/2015

In this project, I built a laser keyboard using laser beamer, light sensor and microprocessor.

C/C++ Embedded OpenCV

Single Cycle & Pipeline Implementation of MIPS CPU

11/2014 - 12/2014

This is a course project for Computer Organization. We studied and designed the overall structure of single cycle & pipeline CPU. Then we implemented the CPU on FPGA board with Verilog.

Verilog FPGA Computer Architecture

Snake Game

05/2014 - 06/2014

In this project, I implemented the snake game using C with EGE graphic library. I added some new features to the game, e.g. two players mode.

C EGE Game

Snake game image

Cable Climbing Robot

05/2013 - 06/2013

In this project, we built a wheel robot to climb the cable and stop at specific position. I was responsible for writing the controlling program in Arduino.

C/C++ Arduino Embedded

Cable climbing robot image